Sunday, October 30, 2011

FeeliNg Wicked

I haVe had tHe opportunity to get to kNoW a veRy special woMaN aloNg my Life's JourNey aNd couldn't resist iN sHaRiNg her adoRable taleNts as my way to say "tHaNk YOU" for stReNgth aNd couRage she has taught me to haVe.

~FeeliNg a bit Wicked~

Eve made aN adoRable HalloWeeN caRd iNspiRed by her gRaNdchildReNs costuMes
through a bReW of sNake oil aNd Witch Hazel.
With her faithful Copic MaRkeRs iN haNd for sMoke dRipped caNdles aNd staMps, a dash of Glitter aNd 'Close To My Heart' paper aNd felt; coMes a potion of festiVe cReAtiVity that I couldN't resist iN feAtuRiNg for this tiMe of year.
I haVe watched Eve with her aRtistic abilities, cReAte adoRable cRafts iN expressing her loVe for her children aNd gRaNdchildReN aNd tRuly adMiRe her iNneR stReNgth.
A woMeN I will alWays look up to with a haNdful of 'Wicked LoVe'

Happy HalloWeeN fRoM