Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Poetic GaRdeN Contest

"It's a Small WoRld" is a classic aNd popular attRactioN at DisNeylaNd aNd one tHat sHaRes in the tRue meaNiNg of Global Peace.

If you can aNswer these 3 queStioNs correctly tHeN you will wiN 3 NEW 'ooak' faiRy StoNe sets aNd eNjoy a lil' Peace fRom Poetic GaRdeN...

1) In wHat paRt of the DisNeylaNd tHeMe paRk is this Ride located at?

2) How maNy audio-animatronic dolls aRe there on this Ride?

3) In all how maNy locations (countries aNd states) aRe there located of this Ride

The fiRst peRsoN who gets all 3 questions rigHt WINS! Good Luck aNd have a fuN day cReAtiNg aNd dReAmiNg fRom