Thursday, September 2, 2010


I had an oppoRtuNity to meet Yuli aNd her supportive aNd kiNd husband Rick this past week. She purchases soMe of my aRt WoRk aNd was blessed to have met her in person. TaleNted woman in her own right, she lives in Indonesia aNd woRks for DisNey. A true iNspiRation to me in my life's jourNey that left me truly huMbled aNd appreciative for the experience. Touched by her sweet aNd bubbly peRsoNality, her aMaziNg stories she sHaRed with me was a geNtle reMiNdeR to stay focused aNd not give up on my dReAms.
tHaNk You, Yuli aNd Rick aNd look forward in seeing you again in the near future.