Thursday, December 9, 2010
Poetic GaRdeN News
It was so refreshing to get a cHaNce to explore other gaRdeNs in my recent travels aNd in doiNg so, discovered aNotHeR cReAtive side of Poetic GaRdeN.
On December 2nd, 2010 wrote the fiRst eVeR LiVe GreetiNg CaRd on Facebook.
Viola was the fiRst to discover the "fiRst eVeR LIVE GreetiNg CaRd"
She WON an adorable set of 'ooak' Poetic GaRdeN faiRy StoNe eMbellsHmeNts
"A giRlfRieNd is oNe of the best eMbellisHmeNts you can have to a cReAtive woRld"
On December 3rd, 2010 wrote the SecoNd eVeR LiVe GreetiNg CaRd on Facebook.
Ling So discovered the "SecoNd eVeR LIVE GreetiNg CaRd"
She WON an adorable set of 'ooak' Poetic GaRdeN faiRy StoNe eMbellsHmeNts
"When we speak of the 'Truth' tHeN we have no fear to the outcome"
You can fiNd moRe oRigiNal GreetiNg CaRd Quotes by
searching 'poeticgarden' on Facebook
tHaNk You to all who participated in the NEW launch of Poetic GaRdeN GreetiNg CaRds. I couldN't have doNe it without you.