Friday, January 28, 2011

Through the Looking Glass

I use to visit the Mad Hatters house often, the wiNdow above the door. A place where I could rest aNd poNder aNd dReAm about life a bit moRe. So I have decided to return to woNdeRlaNd aNd jourNal the thoughts in my head aNd put down in words of what I oNce did, wRite…

DoN’t worry about the other day or that tiMe last week. DoN’t haRbor the moNth before or worry about loosing sleep over soMetHiNg that is in the past.
Tomorrow is a day you have yet to live aNd to waste a miNute that you caN’t get back will only take from tomorrows miNute to live.

Here is where I will be, your welcoMe to sit aNd eNjoy a cup of tEa aNd step inside a woRld that means a lot to me. Blessed Be ~poeticgarden