Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MeNtal Notes

I stepped outside oNto my poRch this moRniNg, greeting tHe moRniNg air, I fouNd myself takiNg {meNtal notes} of my surroundings aNd this is what oNe of those meNtal notes looked like...

"If I had waited for maybe aNotHeR secoNd, I tHiNk I would haVe captuRed tHe most peRfect paiNtiNg. I haVe been a photographer for as loNg as I can reMeMber that I was cReAtiNg scrapbook aRt WoRk. I liVe aNd see life aNd my surroundings iN 3D. YOU may see oNe shade of green oN trees, I see seVeRal. YOU may see just a typical moRniNg sky but I see soMetHiNg diffeReNt. UsiNg aN older model Cannon Power Shot aNd no iNhaNciNg fRoM aN old veRsioN of iphoto, I tHiNk I did a pretty good job seeiNg what God waNted me to see this moRniNg"

HeRe's to a BeAutiFuL Day of what YOU may see iN life aNd to 'MeNtal Notes'

PEACE fRoM {oNe heart} to aNotHeR facebook notes...