Monday, January 9, 2012


Joy is sHaRiNg tHose moMeNts with a fRieNd tHat leAve aN iMpRiNt iN tHe HeArt foReVer~

Splashed with fResh PuRple HydRaNgeAs aNd ViNtage White tEa Roses, 
is a 6x6 Paper Bag fRieNdsHip ScRapBook filled with a gaRdeNers delight. 
{MME~Wild Asparagus 'fRieNds' Paper Pallet} aloNg with a few otHeR faVoRites:
MakiNg MeMoRies  Basic Grey K&CoMpaNy Classic Debbie Mumm aNd PriMa
adoRned with a BeAdlaNdiNg Silver Butterfly PeNdaNt, Pearl PiN aNd dReAm Bottle
Swarovski Crystals, Buttermilk CuRly Q BeRries, Tibetan GaRdeN ChaRms 
Poetic GaRdeN 'ooak' eMbellisHmeNt stoNes, adoRable side page tabs aNd stoRage pockets
fRieNdsHip quotes, 21 Photo PlaceMeNts with matcHiNg jourNaliNg tags
coMpletes a 'ooak' cReAtioN for tHat special fRieNd

CoMmissioNed ScRapBook aRt WoRk for {Joy} 
copyrights of
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