a fResH spRiNg color pallet for a BedRooM VaNity
iNspiRed by tHe Big pRiNt eArth toNed ButteRflies fRoM tHe FebRuaRy issue
PotteRy BaRN BeddiNg CollectioN
PotteRy BaRN BeddiNg CollectioN
usiNg aN existing wRought~iRoN oRnaMeNtal glass vase aNd CaRaMel PeoNies
addiNg Butter cReAm DogWood BlossoMs, wHite seAsoNal beRries, Blue DelphiNiuM stalk,
WilloW spRigs fRoM outdoor floWeR pots aNd a siMple cRusHed VaNilla Ribbon
aN iNexpeNsiVe splash of tHe gaRdeN iNto tHe HoMe,
tHat will last well iNto tHe suMmeR moNths
aN iNexpeNsiVe splash of tHe gaRdeN iNto tHe HoMe,
tHat will last well iNto tHe suMmeR moNths
HoMe aNd FloRal DeSigN ClieNt of www.poeticgarden.com