Monday, July 15, 2013


...aNd back iN tHe aRt Studio cReAtiNg wHat I loVe... Scrapbooking!

a NEW collection of aWaRd WiNniNg 8x8 Photo Frames along with
PaperBag Scrapbooks will be feAtuRed here oN my cRaft aNd poetry blog 
available to purchase tHis seAson aNd invite you to check back for new updates 

tHaNk YOU to all who haVe BelieVed iN my cReAtioNs aNd helping me aloNg life's jourNey

~Blessed Be

{Google iMage aNd NEW aRt Studio faVoRite SoNg: Imagine Dragons~ Radioactive}