I caN knock YOU out with a really good set of
wiNgs, Boots aNd a fiNe sHaRp Pixie WaNd, so doN't mess with ME... K? I
MeAn BusiNess with my dReAms... tHis is how I roll for {LoVe}
"To seNd ligHt iNto tHe daRkNess of MeN's HeaRts ~ such is tHe duty of tHe aRtist."
-Robert Schumann
I pay HoMage to MaRtiN LutHeR KiNg, Jr. tHaNk YOU, moRe tHaN WoRds can say
-Robert Schumann
I pay HoMage to MaRtiN LutHeR KiNg, Jr. tHaNk YOU, moRe tHaN WoRds can say
DefeNdeR of HuMaN Civil Disability Rights