Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Restore aNd Heal

apparently YOU aRe coNsideRed a terrorist if YOU Believe in the Constitution aNd it's completely legal for the Government to kill YOU aNd or detain YOU on the spot, without due process... I kNoW I have personally been directly effected by this aNd otHeRs haVe to.  ALL I know is that this New Year, I just waNt to BE given a cHaNce to rest more miNd body aNd spiRit aNd less terror, 42yrs of fighting for HuMaN Civil Disability Rights aNd for a needed aNd required pharmacy is a bit much. Waking~up reborn, in pure shock, traumatized to the max, hoMeless being interrogated to the core in a Country already concurred by our Founding FatHeRs aNd frightened of tHe Police, is not my idea of experiencing or achieving a 'Promise Land' for tHe spirit.  
I waNt to be able to Believe in tHe Police Force, community aNd neighbors aNd understand aNd grow in a higher enlightened loyal love force of a large 'faMily' on earth as it is in heaven.  I AM not for gun violence aNd AM uneasy with tHeM seNse I was personally exposed in an ill manner way with oNe.  All I ask is, please protect my inherited aNd inalienable rights to have a place to call HoMe that includes safe supportive accesses to a promised pharmacy aNd to have the opportunity to coNtiNue to grow with aNd experience my Heavenly FatHeRs LoVe, to grow a gaRdeN aNd restore aNd heal fRoM tHe inside out, while YOU have your gun rights, please 'tHaNk YOU'  I pray everyday for ME aNd tHe WoRld around ME to BE blessed with a New Year to thrive, prosper, BeAutiFul enlightenment for healthier healthcare that is plain precious simple aNd pure, to not have a false seNse of safety aNd for those wHo aRe in need of shelter, food, medicine aNd clean water, to BE blessed to have loving aNd kind access to those needed resources aNd to have a healthier peace of mind.  Everyone deserves to experience Hope, Blessings aNd Miracles everyday aNd pray that that will coNtiNue for ALL.

~Blessed Be fRoM Poeticgarden