Friday, November 25, 2011

DeSigN #154 'MotHeR'

A MotHeRs LoVe is sHoWn tiMelessly through tHe fRuits of her {teNder} labor.
DeSigNed is sHe, iN uNique sHades, her aNgelic hope aNd {faith}  
SileNt as her wiNgs may fly iN all her Blessed Days.  tHe {hope} sHe holds witHiN heR heArt, aRe tHe gifts sHe giVes aWay.
ColoRful as her 'patchwork' quilt, heR bouNty full of caRe; eNduRiNg through tHe test of tiMe, sHe weaves her sileNt pRayeRs.  

PeAceFuL aRe tHe days goNe by, tHe seAsoNs stitcHed with tWiNe,
a MotHeRs LoVe iN eNdless BeAuty, her BouNtifuL HeArt diViNe ~

'ooak' ScRapBook aRt WoRk DeSigN #154 'MotHeR'
GreetiNg CaRd aNd Glass faiRy StoNes
iN HoNor of aMmas Day of Sabbath 

{For Price aNd Availability of 'ooak' Collectors aRt WoRk coNtact}
this aRt Piece is no loNgeR available

copyrights of aNd associated archives
dedicated to my HeaVeNly FatHeR, my children aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be fRoM my gaRdeN to yours Happy ThaNks GiViNg