it's a liNe YOU haVe to follow wHeN YOU waNt to fly...
aka ~Wicked 'Kathy Smalls' was my playground naMe iN oNe of tHe gReAtest woNdeRlaNds of all, Solitude A place wHeRe tHe higher YOU cliMbed, tHe moRe giaNt puffed clouds of whip cReAm tHeRe was to soar oN a peRfect 'Blue BiRd' day.
By tHe eNd of tHe season I was racing with my fRieNds aNd cReAtiNg new meMoRies with my kids. G~foRce is what I called it, aiMed to catch low gRaVity air. The faster I soaRed tHe moRe butterflies I had fun flyiNg with. GlisteNiNg diAmoNds spRayed beNeAth my PaNdoRa LiNes cReAtiNg spaRkles iN tHe saNd...
it was just aNotHeR day iN paRadise in my StoRyBook woNdeRlaNd.
~dReAmer, skieR, wRiter, seeker...