truly diViNe of such a place wHeRe dReAms aRe captured aNd fouNd
iN tHe HeaRt of a faiRy gaRdeN...
a tiMeless settiNg touched with jeWeled Butterflies aNd Dragonflies, Tibetan Charms
ViNtage Silk Roses Hydrangeas, Butter Cream Berries
deSigNeR Paper FloWeRs by Prima, Recollections aNd The Paper Studio
'Once Upon a Springtime' faiRy Collection by Graphic 45
Organza Sheer Ribbon, Swarovski Cyrstals, Making Memories Brads, Iridescent PeArls
spRiNkled with faiRy dust aNd RaNgeR DiaMoNd Stickles
faiRy Collection
deSigN #159 'BeAuty' aNd deSigN #160 'tHe faiRies'
8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe 'ooak' aRt WoRk
*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available
with secure purchase through paypal aNd facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
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copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be