Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Post Card of {LoVe}

deSigN #161
Post Card of {LoVe}
ooak HaNdMade diMeNsioNal 8x8 Photo fRaMe Scrapbook aRt WoRk
iNteNded for Shadow Box display

a Debbie Mumm aNd Graphic 45 'Ladies DiaRy' iNspiRed cReAtioN
usiNg SiMplicity ViNtage Lace, etched iN strand pearls
Prima Paper Flowers, MakiNg MeMoRies {Note} Worthy Brads
Graphic 45 'Ladies DiaRy' paper liNe K&CoMpaNy 'Blossomwood Butterfly'
SpaRe PaRts 'tHe Paper Studio' paper flowers
Pastel PiNk Jeweled Pearl Pin
Debbie Mumm~Joann Fabric Noahs aRt Jumbo Brads
Buttons, Vintage Post Card, Swarovski Crystals 
coMplete with Poetic Garden Glass faiRy stoNe 'Baubles' 
dipped iN diaMoNd faiRy glitter

*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available 
with secure purchase through paypal aNd facebook 
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {poeticgarden.com}
100% feedback History oN ebay ~ fuRtHeR details of tHis aRt Piece is oN facebook
Please {ReAd} tHe 'Poetic GaRdeN Update aNd News' blog eNtRy below 
to discover New cHaNges, additional aRt Pieces 
aNd otHer BraNd cReAtioNs available for puRcHase
copyrights of www.poeticgarden.com aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies 
aNd a special 'tHaNk YOU' to my gRaNdMotHeR
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste