Poetic GaRdeN aRt iN ReVieW
DeSigN #134 faiRy Seasons
A golden hue fell upon my cheeks as I
gazed into the sky dReAmiNg of the days aNd nights tuRniNg of tHe
seasons that often flew by. FalliNg in {loVe} with each cHaNge
that MotHeR
EaRth bRiNgs a tiMe to poNdeR aNd a moMeNt to see
with every tuRniNg shade of color coMes a moMeNt in tiMe
to reflect to discover aNd to fly aNd feel free if you truly wish to BE
a part of a miRacle not often seen with every cHaNge of tHe season bRiNgs
iNspiRatioN aNd gRowtH within our souls if we siMply just BelieVe
that it starts with a seed plaNted within our HeArts left for us to cReAte
a canvas for the soul with endless colors for us to make
a woRld like no other a place to be free as the seed grows
with every tuRniNg shade of color coMes a moMeNt in tiMe
to reflect to discover aNd to fly aNd feel free if you truly wish to BE
a part of a miRacle not often seen with every cHaNge of tHe season bRiNgs
iNspiRatioN aNd gRowtH within our souls if we siMply just BelieVe
that it starts with a seed plaNted within our HeArts left for us to cReAte
a canvas for the soul with endless colors for us to make
a woRld like no other a place to be free as the seed grows
iNto bRaNcHes
aNd our spiRit begiNs to see an eNdless pallet of what is meant to be
of beautiful trees that staNd with stReNgth of {loVe} aNd coMpassioN
of beautiful trees that staNd with stReNgth of {loVe} aNd coMpassioN
as they sway in the wiNd with such grace
aNd for a peaceful moMeNt that is not often seen
aNd for a peaceful moMeNt that is not often seen
aRe tiNy little faiRies paiNtiNg the new season that MotHeR NatuRe bRiNgs
a precious reMiNder to all of us to never stop cReAtiNg aNd coNtiNue to be courageous in feediNg our souls with the power of our dReAMs
a precious reMiNder to all of us to never stop cReAtiNg aNd coNtiNue to be courageous in feediNg our souls with the power of our dReAMs
8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies aNd
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies aNd
HeAveNly FatHeR
Sold/aRcHiVed oRigiNal issued date '2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com
Sold/aRcHiVed oRigiNal issued date '2010 copyrights of poeticgarden.com