With eVeRy sNoWflake tHat fell, sHe balaNced her weight
eVeR so gracefully. CliNgiNg, sHe {LoVes} eVeRy cuRve, eVeRy knot
oN tHe bRaNch for tHey support her tRue WiNteR BeAuty aNd stReNgtH
BiRds paRticulaRly tHat of Robins haVe a magical HeAveNly coNnection for me
a MotHeR Nature Gift tHat tRuly bRiNgs woNdeRmeNt
aNd joy to tHe soul eVeN iN tHe coldest season
heRe is a 'Sneak Peek' of tHe latest ooak HaNdMade
alteRed aRt Scrapbook fRoM tHe aRt Studio
alteRed aRt Scrapbook fRoM tHe aRt Studio
aNd iNvite you to visit tHe 'Blog' often
for NeW aRt cReAtioNs or join tHe {facebook} gaRdeN as well
tHaNk YOU to Owen Humphreys/PA for tHe gReAt Nature shot
ooak Scrapbook aRt WoRk aNd Poetry ~by poeticgarden.com aNd associated aRcHiVes
Blessed Be fRoM my HeArt gaRdeN to yours