a fResH spRiNg color pallet for a BedRooM VaNity
iNspiRed by tHe Big pRiNt eArth toNed ButteRflies fRoM tHe FebRuaRy issue
PotteRy BaRN BeddiNg CollectioN
usiNg aN existing wRought~iRoN oRnaMeNtal glass vase aNd CaRaMel PeoNies
addiNg Butter cReAm DogWood BlossoMs, wHite seAsoNal beRries, Blue DelphiNiuM stalk,
WilloW spRigs fRoM outdoor floWeR pots aNd a siMple cRusHed VaNilla Ribbon
aN iNexpeNsiVe splash of tHe gaRdeN iNto tHe HoMe,
tHat will last well iNto tHe suMmeR moNths