Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gift of WoRds

soMetiMes through all the hustle aNd bustle of the Holiday Season we teNd to forget even the smallest of gifts that life can bRiNg. fRoM the waRmth of a hoMe, the coMpaNy of faMily aNd fRieNds, a good deed of service, an act of kindness or the siMplicity of silence aNd reflection upon the years past but most of all woRds of gratitude.
A holiday should merely reMiNd us of the daily iMpoRtaNce of how we can bRiNg woRds of waRmth aNd kindness to soMeoNes woRld, rather tHaN the actual act of material goods to be given or expected that we so commonly associate with.

That we eNd each day by valuing aNd appreciating the siMple gift of woRds.

tHaNk You to those who have been so generous aNd kiNd, who have given of their services, good deeds aNd support. Who have loved aNd cared uNcoNditioNally without expectations. Who have left kiNd woRds of waRmth upon the door step of Poetic GaRdeN.
I give back in return my gratitude aNd tiMeless woRds of tHaNk You through the details aNd woRds left within the aRt WoRk aNd taleNts that God has given to me.
May this day aNd all the days to coMe fiNd you in peace. That we may always be iNspiRed to excHaNge the siMple act of kindness through the siMplicity of woRds.
Happy Holidays fRoM