Monday, February 6, 2012

deSigN #155 faiRy {LoVe} CollectioN

with much gratitude, I was giVeN a collection of Graphic 45 scRapBook Papers 
{oNce UpoN a SpRiNg tiMe, Butterfly Kisses, SpellBouNd & flight of faNcy} 

heAded stRaigHt to woRk iN cReAtiNg a loNg oVeRdue aRt piece I had eNvisioNed 
with this paper liNe "tHaNk YOU" to those wHo gaVe to tHe gaRdeN iN helpiNg to cReAte tHis New CollectioN of aRt

deSigN #155 faiRy {LoVe} 

sHe caMe fRoM a tiNy place oNce foRgotteN nestled witHiN her HeArt
 a tiMeless WoRld uNbRoKeN, sHe kNeW just fRoM tHe staRt
a gaRdeN sHe had oNce dreamt, was her StoRyBook of aRt
details of her jourNey sHe kNeW fRoM loNg ago
tHat faith plaNts tHe seed aNd loVe makes it gRoW
so did her HeArt BlossoM aNd a light begiN to sHiNe
iN a dReAm sHe oNce caMe fRoM iN tHat secret place iNside...  {loVe}
~ ~ ~

8x8 ScRapBook aRt WoRk, LuNcHbox ScRapBook~StatioNaRy Set 
aNd ACEO/aRtistRy Collectors SceNe
copyrights of aNd associated archives
dedicated to my HeaVeNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies

{Collection is no loNgeR available}
~Blessed Be fRoM my gaRdeN to yours