Tuesday, December 3, 2013

HeAveNly CoNnectioN

With eVeRy sNoWflake tHat fell, sHe balaNced her weight
eVeR so gracefully.  CliNgiNg, sHe {LoVes} eVeRy cuRve, eVeRy knot
oN tHe bRaNch for tHey support her tRue WiNteR BeAuty aNd stReNgtH
BiRds paRticulaRly tHat of Robins haVe a magical HeAveNly coNnection for me
a MotHeR Nature Gift tHat tRuly bRiNgs woNdeRmeNt 
aNd joy to tHe soul eVeN iN tHe coldest season

heRe is a 'Sneak Peek' of tHe latest ooak HaNdMade
alteRed aRt Scrapbook fRoM tHe aRt Studio
aNd iNvite you to visit tHe 'Blog' often
for NeW aRt cReAtioNs or join tHe {facebook} gaRdeN as well
tHaNk YOU to Owen Humphreys/PA for tHe gReAt Nature shot
ooak Scrapbook aRt WoRk aNd Poetry ~by poeticgarden.com aNd associated aRcHiVes
Blessed Be fRoM my HeArt gaRdeN to yours