Monday, January 13, 2014

fReedoM of Speech

fReedoM of Speech

wHeN tHey say tHat tHey aRe goiNg to close aNd restore my case fRoM both sides of the courtroom, does tHis meAn I will fiNally get tRue medicine aid support or does tHis meAn tHat I will BE deceptively drop kicked again for tHe secoNd tiMe? I left messages with both Public DefeNdeRs fRoM tHe Orem 4th District Court aNd tHe American Fork Court tHis past week, but naturally tHey neVer returned my call, I rarely call tHeM aNyWay, aNd tHese aRe tHe defeNdeRs tHat say I neVer deserved to go to jail iN tHe fiRst place but DO YOU tHiNk I will get my moNey back for jail fiNes? of course not, tHe Government saw ME as a disabled 'meal ticket' able to profit fRoM my newly distributed disability fuNds wHile sittiNg iN jail for HuMaN Civil Disability Rights aNd for cRiMes coMmitted oN my 'Book of Life' tHat span way back seNse tHe dust of tiMe. 
It suRe does bRiNg tHiNgs hoMe wHeN YOU kNoW tHat your life aNd disabilities meAn jack sHit to aN LDS Government ran State tHat prides tHeMselVes oN so much...
YOU haVe LDS faith based WoMeN heRe oN tHe news iN Utah figHtiNg for cannabis oil for tHeir cHildReN but bad mouth BeAutiFuL MotHeRs like ME, tHat oNce was hoMeless aNd Religiously, Medically aNd Politically toRtuRed, raped, abused aNd deceptively tuRned aWay 
for tHe marijuana seed tHat makes tHeir oil. 
I NEED THE STATE OF UTAH TO WAKE~UP TODAY, NOT YESTERDAY! tHis is so wRoNg! quit teAchiNg ME about foRgiVeNess oR say tHat YOU aRe soRry or tHreAteN ME wHeN I speAk up paRticulaRly to coVer up a cRiMe tHat YOU woNt oWn by sayiNg YOU caN't paRticipate iN couRt because your Religion woNt allow it! defeNdeR of HuMaN Civil Disability Rights