Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Ishtar

'Happy Ishtar'

Saturday, April 19, 2014

WoMaN by Rite

tHey placed cHaiNs upon my soul aNd wHeN I awoke to wHat was to BE LoVe, pRoMised laNd, protection iN tHe CoNstitutioN aNd Human Civil Disability Rights aNd fReeiNg myself fRoM a lifeloNg environment of abuse of Political, Medical aNd Religious warfare iN my aRk aNd teMple; tHe State expected ME to bow doWn aNd seRve tHeiR LoRd to coVer up tHeiR cRiMes iN tHe 'Book of Life'... I reMeMbeR various paRts of old maNmade scripture, tHe paRt wHeRe WOMEN can obtain Goddess statehood iN both miNd body aNd spiRit aNd haVe a diRect liNk to HER Godhead w/out tHe need of tHe coRrupt MaN aNd Religion. sHe carries iN tHe womb of her HeArt, her oWn 'Holy Ghost' heRself fRoM child to WoMaNhood aNd MotHeRhood, of tHiNgs BeAutiFuL aNd iN LoVe. Yet wHeN sHe looks tHe bully iN tHe eye for HER rigHtFuL place upon tHe eArtH to plaNt aNd gRoW tHe seeds of new life, sHe is deNied, tossed aside aNd foRgotteN, HER dReAms stolen, ideas, goals, aNy kiNd of {Hope} is tuRned to saNd, trodden upon to build tHe MaN up aNd keep tHe WoMaN costaNtly at tHe footstool of sorrow aNd bRoKeN pRoMises aNd beiNg bullied. HeNce tHe process HER 'tRee of Life' is dyiNg 'MotHeR EaRth' A MotHeR Goddess. tHe saMe old maNmade scriptures aNd Government fall sHoRt iN lifting up tHe WOMAN aNd coNtiNue to sileNce HER voice aNd tHe lifelong abuse aNd sacrifice sHe has been lashed iN cHaiNs countless tiMes heRself at tHe cRoss for MaNs SIN upon her body, spiRit aNd eArth sHe holds iN her womb of her HeArt. No YOU will neVer foRget HER... tHat WOMAN, tHat cHild wHo had dReAms, tHe oNe barely meNtioNed throughout tiMe, tHe oNe tHat takes tHe cRoss with her every bReAtH. sHe will alWays BE fouNd iN KiNg Solomons {LoVe} soNg, but not all will SEE, for tHey aRe tHe oNe's now held iN boNdage for killiNg for tHe sake of greed for destroying Camelot for waNtiNg to destroy LOVE, ROSE, her jourNey to tRue fReedoM, a pRoMised laNd aNd life with a REAL tRue Purple HeArt KiNg! I AM a WOMAN by RITE! aNd a WOMAN I shall BE! ~wRitteN by

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter aNd tHe Goddess

MotHeR EaRth has been abused, tHe poWeRs haVe been abused, tHis caNnot go oN foReVeR.
No tHeoRy can alter tHat siMple fact.
MotHeR EaRtH will retaliate, tHe wHole eNviRoNmeNt will retaliate, aNd tHe abusers will be
eliMiNated.  tHiNgs coMe full ciRcle, back to wHeRe tHey staRted. tHat's RevolutioN!
~Russell Means
Native Spirits Tribal Community 
google iMage of 

'MotHeR Goddess'

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Breaking tHe Silence!

tHis is tHe iMage aNd peRsoN tHat I caught tWo tiMiNg iN my FatHeRs KiNgdoM, I bow to NO LoRd aNd doN't wait oN tHe LoRd eitHeR! I haVe been permanently scarred, lied to aNd so tRauMatized fighting for my 'Book of Life' aNd literally protecting myself fRoM aN LDS ex MotHeRs lifelong Child Abuse aNd liViNg iN tHe paiNed daMage body all wHile defeNdiNg HuMaN Civil Disability Rights for tHe disabled aNd sick aNd abused aNd sHe got moRe pRotectioN tHeN I did eVeN though tHey kNeW I spoke tHe tRutH of tHe abuse! tHe System sat aNd watched it happen aNd didN't caRe! In fact your so bullied by a manipulative aNd narcissistic system heRe, tHat YOU becoMe a nuMbeR aNd tHey tRuly doN't caRe about basic HuMaN Rights. I was shown top to bottom how tHe peRveRted bRoKeN aNd fake system heRe is ran. It is tRue tHat tHe LDS Church aNd Government aNd tHe Men iN it, abuse aNd violate tHe laws aNd rights of WoMeN aNd Children, tHe poor aNd tHe disabled aNd tHey coNfess to it too. To heAr aNyMoRe tHat tHe LoRd Jesus died oN tHe cRoss for my SiNs, is bruising to my spiRit because tHeRe aRe maNy wHo took tHeiR oWn 'Purple Heart' cRoss aNd sacrificed iNcludiNg WOMEN aNd Children tHat paid for MANs SIN too, loNg befoRe tHis peRsoN caMe aloNg! Called tHe 'Lost tRibes' I woN't BE bullied to tHiNk otHeRwise eitHeR! It's wHat I haVe walked iN! It is my tRutH! I staNd at tHe Gate heRe iN Utah iN spiRit with my FatHeR aNd my Legal WILL, cHallaNgiNg tHe State to sHoW ME tHeiR oNe aNd oNly 'Golden Cow' tHey woRsHip aNd seRve because tHe oNe I was lead to BelieVe, ran off with my 10% tithing aNd double dipped! So YOU caN keep your diaMoNds, your silver, gold aNd teMples, Churches aNd Religion, because YOU failed to tRuly protect aNd defeNd aNd SEE HER tHe REAL WOMAN tHat tRuly LoVed aNd sacrificed aNd took tHe orphans haNd aNd failed to protect 'MotHeR EaRth' aNd HER people!
Activist aNd DefeNdeR for Human Civil Disability Rights