Saturday, February 14, 2015

Addicted to Valentine

as a Goddess I AM addicted in not just surviving but healing aNd serving oNes 
divine teMple 'Tree of Life' in true LoVe, I AM addicted in being ENOUGH!!!
I AM addicted in the Inner Beauty aNd Bravery I possess in self love
I AM addicted in sharing my forces of BeAutiFuL knowledge for the greater good of restoring
Happy Valentines Day to my deepest LoVes that daNce with ME in the middle space of my HeArt
who bravely walk with ME in shades of FREEDOM, who dare to discover aNd dReAm
anew in this GaRdeN of Eden... ~420 activist artist aNd writer poeticgarden 

{check out Elly's amazing cover aNd fan page on facebook}