Monday, August 8, 2011

tiMe of Gratitude

I should be gettiNg my 'food staMps' heRe soon but it's tHe iN betweens that matter tHe most. Grateful for tHe oppoRtuNity to get up eVeRy siNgle day aNd woRk. For eVery day I woRk, I need a day of rest puttiNg foRth all my effoRt aNd might iN doiNg my best. It was oNly yesterday that I left eVeRytHiNg I loVed, eVeRytHINg that mattered tHe most. tRaVeled oN a jourNey that most wouldN't uNdeRstaNd, no matter how maNy ways I tell it. But what I caN"t seem to get right or maybe I doN't kNoW aNd would appreciate tHe help... oh do let me tRy to explain

I get up daily aNd do what is asked, I peRfoRm my coMmitMeNts aNd do my huNdRed tasks. I house clean at hoMe tHeN study for woRk, if i'M lucky I will reMeMber to eat, no desiRe soMetiMes because it huRts.I'll take my mediciNe to help me aloNg tHe way, i'll head out tHe door but not befoRe I pray. GiViNg tHaNks to all of those who help me, fRoM a car to reNt aNd food. For helpiNg me get back oN my feet again fRoM liViNg iN a suitcase or tWo.It wasN't so bad YOU see, grateful iN eVeRyWay, meetiNg BeAutiFuL people aNd gettiNg a coNstaNt cHaNce to say... "tHaNk YOU" for all tHe support they gaVe.

If iM lucky my wiNgs will flutter aNd my days tuRn iNto weeks, of beiNg able to staNd each day aNd do my tHousaNd tHiNgs.I will giVe to aNotHeR what has been sHoWn to me, it may not be as Big as gift but they aRe tRuly meaNiNgful to me.Each day I aM grateful to wake aNd see tHe woRld, be able to gaRdeN still iN my life aNd do tHe tHiNgs I loVe. No matter tHe lack of rest I get, it matters just tHe saMe, to coNstaNtly giVe back for all YOU help me with iN soMe old fashion way.

But my effoRts to show my appreciation I caN't seem to coNvey, not eVen a siMple woRd has aN iMpact these days. Sadden by tHe tHiNgs I leaRn aNd see that aRe not tHe saMe to me. I'M tRyiNg to keep up with all of my might but my might is not eNough YOU see? My pace is always sloWer but my effoRts aRe just tHe saMe, grateful always for those who paVe tHe way for me. I may haVe to wRite it or cReAte it through my aRt aNd wHeN i'M stRoNg eNough to fly, i'll woRk iN soMeoNes yaRd. I'll eVen make a saNdwHicH or tWo at a deli shop doWn tHe street.

I'll eNd my days iN pRayeR tHaNkful for each of YOU. For helpiNg me get back oN my feet aNd tHe ability to suRviVe. Most of all for helpiNg me keep my dReAms aliVe!

~Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn
Benjamin Franklin