October caMe iN like a sileNt heArtbReAk yet left me with a gaRdeN full of aNticipatioN aNd hope iN tHe foRm of meNdiNg. iMpRiNted iN various shades within my heaRt, my eyes see shadows oNce reMeMbeRed iN tHe trees near by.
tHaNkiNg my HeaVeNly FatHeR for tHe bouNtiful haRvest of color, I look within the details of MotHeR NatuRe. LeaRniNg that it's oNly natuRal to tHiNk that tHe possibilities could be eNdless for me to fall iNto cHaNge with each tuRniNg of a leaf. So with my fishiNg pole iN haNd aNd my haNdkerchief of tReAsuRes within my heaRt, i'M sloWly gaiNiNg a whole new perspective oN life, as I look to uNdisoVeRed paths just beyoNd tHe riVer beNd.
FalliNg iN loVe with tHe days eNd, neVer to foRget those woRds oNce wRitteN...
"Quick to leaVe aRe tHe meMoRies we expeRieNce
but they aRe suRe to last iN tHe heArt foReVeR."
but they aRe suRe to last iN tHe heArt foReVeR."
ChaNge is good aNd so is aWaitiNg uNexploRed expeRieNces. It seems to me that Tom aNd Huck Finn had a pretty good idea tHeMselVes; they neVer kNeW wHeRe they weRe headed iN life but they alWays stayed oN tHe saMe course together. It's kiNd of like this... I figuRe with HeaVeNly FatHeR by my side, it's got to couNt for soMetHiNg wHeN I exploRe new adVeNtuRes iN life, aNd tRustiNg iN cHaNge is oNly goiNg to take me fuRtHeR iN wHeRe I waNt to go. "Blessed Be aNd Marry PaRt" to a season filled with cHaNge.
iMages aNd wRitiNgs by www.poeticgarden.com