Sunday, January 8, 2012

PlaNtiNg tHe Seed

viNtage~retRo stool of soRts, captuRed tHis past suMmer fouNd me tHiNkiNg of my gRaNdMotHeR.  aN iMpRiNt fRoM aNotHeR tiMe, feeliNg her coMfoRtiNg pReseNce as I begiN to iMagiNe of wHat's iN fRoNt of me.  WateRiNg caN full of fResHly picked puRple wild floWeRs, tHe kiNd sHe would stoRe iN her wiNdoW seal, 
a distiNct color of faded leMoN meRiNgue yellow with rusted woRn out steps iN a well woRn house; 
tiMes speNt iN her lil' kitcHeN, such loVe was plaNted tHeRe.  
It's tHose special moMeNts tHat alWays left such aN iMpRiNt oN tHe HeArt aNd seeM to re appear {repair} wHeN tHey need to iN life.
Those repeated iMages played out of her cookiNg iN her kitcHeN weRe tHe woRds wRitteN, of her selfless seeds of loVe.  Always caRiNg for my needs but most of all a seNse of hoMe to me.
Wild Blackberries aNd RaspbeRries hidden iN her fields for me to seArch out like a faiRy foRagiNg, stRaWbeRries by her back poRch gaVe me such a peAceful place to dReAm aNd to just be.
A fouNdatioN, tHe staples tHat giVe me a seNse of beiNg aNd to kNoW tHat I aM tRuly loVed by tHe meMoRies of her HeArt felt WiNgs

{meMoRies tHat aRe stitched with loVe leAve iMpRiNts for tHe HeArt to see}
 fRoM a gRaNdMotHeRs effortless HeArt tHat gaVe so much to me

~wRitiNgs aNd iMage of