deSigN #153 'faiRy Patch'
"It's the shelter beneath the foRest floor, the reflection of the moonlight sHiNe
uNdeRneAth a willow tree nestled for you to fiNd
A collection of precious lil' tReAsuRes just waiting for your heart to see,
if you but cHeRisH in what is yet to be discovered
within your faiRy Patch dReAms"
Introducing 3D ATC/ACEO Artistry Trading aNd Collectors Cards ~ Edition aNd Originals by Poetic GaRdeN
A tiNy WoRk of aRt fRoM the Life's JourNey liNe will be available to collect SigNed aNd NuMbeRed by the aRtist
Available this season
Copyrights of
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies
MotHeR NatuRe aNd my Heavenly Father