Monday, February 7, 2011

Publication News

As I transitioned into a new learning experience on life, I felt at the tiMe that faiRytaLes was a suitable naMe for the second liNe. However I found myself a bit cHalleNged over this. So I researched the definition faiRytaLes and this is what I discovered…


American Heritage Dictionary (2 definitions)
1. A fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually intended for children.
2. A fictitious, highly fanciful story or explanation.
Century Dictionary (2 definitions)
1. A tale or story about fairies.
2. A story as unreal and as incredible in its statements as fairies or tales about them.
Wiktionary (1 definition)
1. A folktale featuring fairies or similar fantasy characters.

Reading that faiRytaLes aRe coNsideRed unreal and listening to what my heart was trying to tell me. I knew that I could not continue this cReAtive jourNey by giving the new discovery within my miNd the naMe faiRytaLe and go against what I know to be true and real. So before I continue moving forward in my deSigNs, I will be staying with the oRigiNal naMe and issue nuMbeRs of each art piece. The newest piece ‘Snow faiRies’ will be deSigN #152 and will continue to be recognized as Life’s JourNey by as this represents my tRue belief that “In order to Live you must be dReAmiNg.”
~Blessed Be fRoM Poetic GaRdeN