Tuesday, February 1, 2011

deSigN #151 'tRue Love'

I use to take laRge strides aNd walk ahead. Now I walk beHiNd aNd view life aNd tRuly live. I tHiNk each moMeNt out aNd poNdeR on the day, fiNdiNg that my jourNey does not require much but oNly that of loving myself in every way.
fRoM the beauty that resides in my miNd, discovering the woNdeRs that no oNe else can fiNd. Uniquely deSigNed like notHiNg known, no oNe peRsoN can have what I own. Humility aNd Grace to my soul never to be seen, eNduRaNce to love unconditionally within me.

tHaNk You Jean fRoM http://www.artfire.com/users/LadyHawk
for the Crushed Ruby Dew Drops

Life's JourNey deSigN #151 'tRue Love'
8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies,
'entertaining angels unaware'
aNd MotHeR NatuRe
'2011' copyrights of Poeticgarden.com