Saturday, May 3, 2014



Disabled aNd terminally ill young and old should have full coverage, benefits and access to their natural organic and fundamental medicine of cannabis aNd should not BE labeled, suppressed, held in modern day slavery or separated in society to tHe point that it effects their daily quality of living or limits one's ability to have eye or dental or the ability to have proper financial means to sustainable clean and healthy food, not to meNtioN, cleAner environment, less toxins even iN tHe Constitution, cleaner air, i.e. Hemp Farms... clean water, etc. By supporting aNd sustaining true natural, organic and fundamental ways, YOU aRe actually turning the Universe around for tHe better cause of Humanity as a whole aNd healing 'MotHeR Earth' saving peoples lives, which is apart of tHe symbol of the Cross, truly healing the Cross through LoVe aNd by ways of LoVe that is for all of Humanity and to all as a better whole. Please Congress, WAKE~UP! We should never have to go to War for the most basic Human Rights only to BE segregated and deceitfully labeled once more. YOU expect for tHe people to cHaNge tHeir ways, yet it's tHe system tHat woN't cHaNge theirs. Apart of feeding your state, your flock, your city, your town, your community, is beiNg bRaVe iN stepping up, WAKE~UP! aNd BE present! where did WE go wrong, when a person young or old has to BE placed on a waiting list for God given right of true medicine or BE denied sufficient sustainability to a better quality of living or haVe to go to court for basic fuNdaMeNtal rights to Life?!!! YOU caN't feed tHy sheep oN manmade, processed, fake and synthetic or oN old dogma BS! Synthetic Manmade is not normal or natural! which is the huge root of deaths and decline in overall health aNd needless aNd stupid violent wars.

Artist aNd Human Civil Disability Rights Defender aNd Activist

Color of Love photo link