Positive Expectations
Keep up your hopes, dReAms, affiRmatioNs, visualizations, aNd prayers, as they will be woNdeRfully manifested right now. DoN't give up five minutes before the miracle occurs.
At your earliest convenience, go outside in nature~ even a backyard or small paRk will do. Mentally converse with your fRieNds, the faiRies. They aRe absolute experts at manifestation! Tell tHeM about your doubts, fears, aNd disappointments, as well as your hopes aNd dReAms. Ask the faiRies to help you release aNy negativity you may have, aNd feel tHeM surround you with healing love aNd light.
I am safe, coNfideNt, aNd secure, I feel joyful about my future
~Blessed Be fRoM poeticgarden.com