It started out beiNg a lot harder than I thought it would be in selecting my favorite aRt Piece of ‘2010 As my eyes glaNced upon each creation, I found myself going through them like pages of my life. It was only recent that I was able to tRuly articulate what my soul was trying to say.
In every aRt piece they all have oNe key detail in common. The empty spot that is meant for a picture is ultimately meant for us to have a glimpse within our souls. A mirror iMage of how we view life as told by the story ‘Through the Looking Glass’ Not realizing tell this very moMeNt that I had essentially brought to life the woRld that has always made seNse to me.
Each piece is uniquely designed to mirror what my soul has gone through. Literally creating my Life’s JourNey through my aRt. I can study each piece and know exactly every emotion I weNt through and what it taught me. I am so grateful that my spirit lead me to create what I have doNe this past year. Each piece has helped me heal, grow, learn and discover things about myself that I didN’t know were there.
I am grateful that my faiRies have been there every step of the way and for the skills and taleNts that God has blessed me with. So with that said, I discovered that my favorite piece is deSigN #135 Alice in WoNdeRlaNd. It represents everything of who I am in this woRld. It embodies all the aRt Pieces of my jourNey what I have goNe through aNd how I view life… 'a girl who lives to dream'
I look forward to a new year of growing aNd learning more about life aNd hope I can continue to share what means so much to me.
~Blessed Be from