I will be postiNg my 'Festive fRiday' blog hop here instead of the cRaft gaRdeN. In case you didN't get a cHaNce to view my jourNal thoughts for the fiRst Christmas Card, I am posting tHeM here along with my second card for the year...
Not too often do I get a cHaNce to come out of the aRt Studio
aNd participate in soMe great activities in the Scrapbook WoRld
But when a new aNd taleNted fRieNd Terri aka ‘tiNk' fRoM http://www.terrisproul.blogspot.com came kNockiNg on my lil’ hobbit house about dReAmiNg up Christmas Cards for the upcoMiNg year, well I simply couldN’t resist.
‘Festive fRiday’ Blog Hop which is a great way to get to know taleNted aNd cReAtive artists aNd most of all a fun cHalleNge for the New Year
I teNd not to stay within the liNes when it coMes to seNdiNg GreetiNg CaRds out particularly during the Holiday Season
With all the hustle aNd bustle of tHiNgs, I feel that the Holidays simply get lost.
So I personal like to wait aNd seNd my GreetiNgs CaRds out after the New Year.
This way it shows that I doN’t tHiNk of my Loved Ones just on the Holidays aloNe. I just had to juMp at the cHaNce to keep dReAmiNg outside the liNes aNd seNd my fRieNds aNd faMily Christmas Cards throughout the coMiNg year.
Here is my second 'Festive fRiday' GreetiNg Card usiNg Forest Green Paper fRoM Cosmo Cricket WoNdeRlaNd Christmas Collection. A Chocolate Curly Q bRaNch, Green Leaf with a few Seasonal Berries fRoM MotHeR NatuRe.
Mini Dot n Go Glue Dots Adhesive, Dark Chocolate OrgaNza Sheer Ribbon with a signature fiNished piece of SaiNt Nicholas
***Join in the Blog Hop fun aNd invite you to check out Debbie Feist aNd see her beautiful taleNts in what she has made for her ‘Festive fRiday’ Christmas Card at: http://debbie-feist.blogspot.com