Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bullet of {LoVe}

wHeN YOU Mess with a BeAutiFuL MotHeRs Nest...
YOU better run faster tHaN Her Bullet of {LoVe}
EteRnal fReedoM fighter for HuMaN Civil aNd Disability Rights 
{google iMage}

...if YOU waNt to SEE moRe of wHo I AM
I will BE oN facebook
uNder aNd katie poeticgarden
Blessed Be fRoM my gaRdeN to yours

Friday, December 20, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

HoMe for tHe Holidays

HoMe for tHe Holidays
deSigN #162
ooak 8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe 
Scrapbook aRt WoRk

Nestled oN Cosmo Cricket 'WoNdeRlaNd' color pallet paper
Stickabilities Glitter & K&Company Butterflies
Prairie FloWeRs by Prima Marketing Inc
Chocolate aNd Elf Green Hydrangeas touch with Platinum Stickles
Graphic 45 'Ladies Diary' aNd Botanicabella Collection
Basic Grey 'stitched' Brads, 7 Gypsies aNd Making Memory ChaRms
coMplete with Poetic GaRdeN Glass faiRy StoNe...
{LoVe} is all you need
*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available 
with secure purchase through paypal aNd facebook 
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% feedback History oN ebay  ~ fuRtHeR details of tHis aRt Piece is oN facebook
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies 
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste

Thursday, December 12, 2013

EncHaNted faiRy dReAms

deSigN #143
'EncHaNted faiRy DreAms'
2.5 x3.5 ACEO Artistry Collectors CaRd

As sHe beckoned to my calls I suRreNder to tHe Beauty tHat was before me. 
Softly spoken were her woRds…
WitHiN your HeaRt keep oNe, still, secret spot wHeRe dReaMs may go
Where all of Gods Creatures liVe aMoNgst tHe foRest iN a harmony of nature’s music
There hidden is tHe precious magic that you haVe had all aloNg within your soul
Believe in all tHiNgs that bRiNg Peace and Harmony
Give your worries to tHe secrets of tHe night, rest your weary miNd
and trust in your ability to take flight
and follow the EncHaNted Path to your DreaMs End...

No Religion or Government shall take possession of my spiRit, I AM my oWn leAder.  
It is I wHo haVe sat oN my HeAveNly FatHeRs lap {ReAdiNg} my dReAms, 
weepiNg as a 'Child of God' wHo has been bruised aNd kissed by tHe Son. wHo walks 
iN oRigiNal Truth {LoVe} Light aNd conviction to tHe cReAtoR tHat made thy aRk.  
It is {eye} tHat seeks to return to wHat is true, no otHeR caN claiM
 tHis ooak 'Book of Life'  of Liberty, Freedom, Equality aNd Justice iN {LoVe}

copyrights of ~ aRcHiVed 
dedicated to my HeAVeNly FatHeR, my faiRies aNd my cHildReN

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


facebook post by

Monday, December 9, 2013


It brought me to huge tears to witness HistoRical advaNceMeNt of taxing tHe marijuana seed iN Colorado. I wish I had tHis plaNt wHeN I was a child. To see kids today receiving tHis natural, oRgaNic aNd fuNdaMeNtal medicine for tHeiR illNess giVes me {hope} tHat though I wasN't giVeN tHat fair mediciNe staRt iN life, tHey will, aNd tHat matters to me.

foReVeR divoted to defeNdiNg aNd preserving HuMaN/Civil aNd Disability Rights 
google iMage

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

aRt iN ReVieW

Poetic GaRdeN aRt iN ReVieW
DeSigN #134 faiRy Seasons

A golden hue fell upon my cheeks as I gazed into the sky dReAmiNg of the days aNd nights tuRniNg of tHe seasons that often flew by. FalliNg in {loVe} with each cHaNge 
that MotHeR EaRth bRiNgs a tiMe to poNdeR aNd a moMeNt to see
with every tuRniNg shade of color coMes a moMeNt in tiMe
to reflect to discover aNd to fly aNd feel free if you truly wish to BE
a part of a miRacle not often seen with every cHaNge of tHe season bRiNgs
iNspiRatioN aNd gRowtH within our souls if we siMply just BelieVe

that it starts with a seed plaNted within our HeArts left for us to cReAte
a canvas for the soul with endless colors for us to make
a woRld like no other a place to be free as the seed grows 
iNto bRaNcHes aNd our spiRit begiNs to see an eNdless pallet of what is meant to be
of beautiful trees that staNd with stReNgth of {loVe} aNd coMpassioN 
as they sway in the wiNd with such grace

aNd for a peaceful moMeNt that is not often seen 
aRe tiNy little faiRies paiNtiNg the new season that MotHeR NatuRe bRiNgs
a precious reMiNder to all of us to never stop cReAtiNg aNd coNtiNue to be courageous in feediNg our souls with the power of our dReAMs 

8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe Scrapbook aRt WoRk
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies aNd
HeAveNly FatHeR
Sold/aRcHiVed oRigiNal issued date '2010 copyrights of

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

HeAveNly CoNnectioN

With eVeRy sNoWflake tHat fell, sHe balaNced her weight
eVeR so gracefully.  CliNgiNg, sHe {LoVes} eVeRy cuRve, eVeRy knot
oN tHe bRaNch for tHey support her tRue WiNteR BeAuty aNd stReNgtH
BiRds paRticulaRly tHat of Robins haVe a magical HeAveNly coNnection for me
a MotHeR Nature Gift tHat tRuly bRiNgs woNdeRmeNt 
aNd joy to tHe soul eVeN iN tHe coldest season

heRe is a 'Sneak Peek' of tHe latest ooak HaNdMade
alteRed aRt Scrapbook fRoM tHe aRt Studio
aNd iNvite you to visit tHe 'Blog' often
for NeW aRt cReAtioNs or join tHe {facebook} gaRdeN as well
tHaNk YOU to Owen Humphreys/PA for tHe gReAt Nature shot
ooak Scrapbook aRt WoRk aNd Poetry ~by aNd associated aRcHiVes
Blessed Be fRoM my HeArt gaRdeN to yours

Sunday, December 1, 2013

ooak Gift Tag & faiRy StoNes

ooak Gift Tag & Glass faiRy StoNes
cReAted aNd HaNdMade by

This peRsoNal Gift Tag Keepsake is peRfect
to add to a gift bag, Greeting CaRd topper
peRsoNal scrapbook layout as paper piecing
coMes with 6 matching stoNes for peRsoNal eMbellisHmeNt use
to add to aNy cRaft, aRt or scrapbook project

usiNg 'WoNdeRlaNd' Cosmo Cricket jouRnal CaRd
Graphic 45 'A Ladies DiaRy' ~ {note} woRtHy pebble bRad
K&Company Butterfly tipped with stickles glitter aNd swarovski crystal 
Prima Paper Flower, walNut stain, Jeweled Medallion, faiRy dReAm jar
coMplete with a dRagoNfly Glass Poetic GaRdeN faiRy stoNe

*oNe of a KiNd cReAtioN aNd otHeRs aRe available with secure purchase through paypal
100% feedback History oN eBay fuRtHeR details aNd pRiciNg of tHis 'Gift Tag' oN facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
invite you to Please {ReAd} tHe 
'Poetic GaRdeN Update aNd News' blog eNtRy below 
to discover New cHaNges aNd additional aRt Pieces

copyrights of aNd associated aRchiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my children aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste

Saturday, November 30, 2013


tiMe speNt cheRisHiNg tHe solitude aNd peAce of wHat tHe HeArt kNoWs... 
tHat tRue {LoVe} is eteRnal aNd will alWays BE.  
GiViNg tHaNks to tHe oNe tHat quiets tHe storm, tHe oNe tHat spiNs tHe orbit aNd holds me wHeN I aM aNeW...

'Cherish' HaNdMade ooak Greeting CaRd
detailed iN My Mind's Eye 'Life Stories' Green Damask Paper
Ranger~walNut staiNed edges
Prima Paper FloWeRs
Swarovski Crystal tipped Butterfly
Fresh Cuts HeArt, viNtage Lace aNd {HeArt} cHaRm
{Note} Worth Audrey {LoVe} pebble bRad
coMplete with Poetic GaRdeN Christ Glass faiRy stoNe Bauble
*This aRt Piece aRcHiVed
otHeR cReAtioNs available for puRcHase through facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% Customer Service Feedback oN eBay
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be

Thursday, November 28, 2013

BouNtiFuL BlessiNgs

BouNtiFuL BlessiNgs to you, may safety, waRmtH aNd {LoVe} fiNd aNd sHelteR your HeArt oN tHis day of giViNg tHaNks ~PeAce aNd NaMaste fRoM my gaRdeN to yours

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


iMage posted by Om Ar oN facebook ~ The Angel News Network
aNd BeAutiFuL Lori

Nature Photo Gift Tags

Nature Photo Gift Tags
~by Poetic GaRdeN

Sold separately, these adoRable eaRth toNed Nature Photo Gift Tags aRe HaNdMade with {LoVe} aNd deSigNed to place a 5x3.75 Photo oN tHe back side
aNd JouRnaL tReAsuRed meMoRies
oN tHe fRoNt side.  A peRfect gift for aNy occasion...

usiNg MME 'Wild Asparagus'  ~ Basic Grey 'Nook & PaNtRy'
BoBunny Cetera Cut Outs ~ Graphic 45 viNtage Post CaRds
MakiNg MeMoRies Chocolate Brads, Organza Sheer Ribbon
Prima, SpaRe PaRts aNd K&CoMpaNy FloWeRs
dipped iN faiRy diaMoNd glitter
coMplete with Poetic GaRdeN glass faiRy StoNe Baubles

*oNe of a KiNd cReAtioNs available with secure purchase through paypal
100% feedback History oN eBay fuRtHeR details aNd pRiciNg of tHis collection oN facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {} 
invite you to Please {ReAd} tHe 'Poetic GaRdeN Update aNd News' blog eNtRy below 
to discover New cHaNges, additional aRt Pieces 
aNd otHer BraNd cReAtioNs available for puRcHase
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies 
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Graphic 45 Greeting Cards

HaNdMade ooak Graphic 45 iNspiRed Greeting Cards
fRoM tHe 'Ladies DiaRy' paper liNe
touch with SiMplicity Silk viNtage Roses, faiRy diaMoNd glitter 
coMplete with Poetic GaRdeN Glass faiRy stoNe 'Baubles'

*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk aNd Greeting Cards available 
with secure purchase through paypal
100% feedback History oN eBay fuRtHeR details of tHis collection oN facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
invite you to Please {ReAd} tHe 'Poetic GaRdeN Update aNd News' blog eNtRy below 
to discover New cHaNges, additional aRt Pieces 
aNd otHer BraNd cReAtioNs available for puRcHase
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies 
aNd a special 'tHaNk YOU' to my gRaNdMotHeR
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Post Card of {LoVe}

deSigN #161
Post Card of {LoVe}
ooak HaNdMade diMeNsioNal 8x8 Photo fRaMe Scrapbook aRt WoRk
iNteNded for Shadow Box display

a Debbie Mumm aNd Graphic 45 'Ladies DiaRy' iNspiRed cReAtioN
usiNg SiMplicity ViNtage Lace, etched iN strand pearls
Prima Paper Flowers, MakiNg MeMoRies {Note} Worthy Brads
Graphic 45 'Ladies DiaRy' paper liNe K&CoMpaNy 'Blossomwood Butterfly'
SpaRe PaRts 'tHe Paper Studio' paper flowers
Pastel PiNk Jeweled Pearl Pin
Debbie Mumm~Joann Fabric Noahs aRt Jumbo Brads
Buttons, Vintage Post Card, Swarovski Crystals 
coMplete with Poetic Garden Glass faiRy stoNe 'Baubles' 
dipped iN diaMoNd faiRy glitter

*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available 
with secure purchase through paypal aNd facebook 
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% feedback History oN ebay ~ fuRtHeR details of tHis aRt Piece is oN facebook
Please {ReAd} tHe 'Poetic GaRdeN Update aNd News' blog eNtRy below 
to discover New cHaNges, additional aRt Pieces 
aNd otHer BraNd cReAtioNs available for puRcHase
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies 
aNd a special 'tHaNk YOU' to my gRaNdMotHeR
~Blessed Be aNd NaMaste

iMpoRtaNt WoRds

SoMe of tHe most iMpoRtaNt WoRds ever spoken...

(CNN) -- Our nation celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. President Abraham Lincoln spoke for only two minutes. He started off by reminding his audience that it had been only 87 years since the country's founding, and then went on to embolden the Union cause with some of the most stirring words ever spoken.
He hoped that despite the terrible battle that had taken place at Gettysburg, his country might still have, as he put it, "a new birth of freedom..."

View tHe coMplete article aNd tHe 'Gettysburg Address'

Monday, November 18, 2013

Poetic GaRdeN NeWs aNd Updates


It's tHat tiMe of tHe season again wHeRe a lot of cHaNges haVe happeNed witHiN tHe gaRdeN.
A lot of spiRituaL aNd heAltH gRoWiNg paiNs.  I aM truly gRateFuL for tHose wHo haVe been siNceRe with tHeiR {LoVe} aNd support, truly BelieViNg aNd taking to HeArt tHis Life's JouRney of miNe... as I stRiVe eAch day to gRoW eVeN stRoNgeR with my HeAveNly FatHeR.
I haVe had to face aNd oVeRcoMe a few cHallaNges settliNg iNto tHe new aRt space.
With self reliance goals clashing with liMited resources fRoM eVeRy angle, I aM needing to siMplify tHe way I publish oN all 3 Blogs which iNcludes tHe way I feAtuRe New aRt Pieces
or jourNal oN tHe educational NSD~Blog.
Lets face it, protecting and defending tHe HuMaN/Civil aNd Disability Rights
iN tHe CoNstitutioN has wiped this MoMma out!
My main focus at tHis tiMe is needed iN tHe dReAmiNg, cReAtiNg aNd iNspiRatioN
depaRtMeNt for tHe HeAltH aNd Well~BeiNg of tHe GaRdeN.

NoNe tHe less gRateFuL for wHat resources I do haVe; I will be diRectiNg most of my eNeRgy toWaRds facebook aNd beiNg brief heRe oN tHe main blog.  You will discover moRe aRt WoRk aNd a laRgeR poRtfolio through facebook.  I will also haVe a New Album sHoWiNg all of tHe cuRreNt cReAtioNs available for puRcHase. 
My 100% WoRld Record feedback History oN ebay is wHeRe I staRted oNliNe selliNg years ago.
Paypal process will reMaiN tHe saMe aNd faNs of tHe GaRdeNs aRt WoRk, know of tHe loyalty of tHe puRcHasiNg/sHippiNg process I provide. 

aRt Pieces will be feAtuRed heRe oN tHe main blog aNd through Facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden aNd}
I will also be sloWiNg doWn oN tHe Educational NSD-Blog for a while... i'M tiRed!

LiViNg oN a sNail Pace old Apple faithful coMputeR, I aM also liMted oN wHat I can do these days iNcludiNg 'plug-in updates'  ***Email is down so please message me with kiNd aNd supportive WoRds through Facebook to inquire of 'Special Orders' or to purchase wHat is currently available.
It's gReAt retuRniNg to tHe aRt Studio doiNg wHat I {LoVe}... dReAmiNg aNd cReAtiNg!  I haVe plaNted a few new seeds {Goals} iN tHis Life's JourNey of miNe aNd value all tHe BeAutiFuL Artists aNd fRieNds tHat help tHis path gRoW iN {LoVe}
tHaNk YOU for BelieViNg iN tHe GaRdeN

~NaMaste aNd Blessed Be

Sunday, November 17, 2013

faiRy Collection


truly diViNe of such a place wHeRe dReAms aRe captured aNd fouNd
iN tHe HeaRt of a faiRy gaRdeN...

a tiMeless settiNg touched with jeWeled Butterflies aNd Dragonflies, Tibetan Charms
ViNtage Silk Roses Hydrangeas, Butter Cream Berries
deSigNeR Paper FloWeRs by Prima, Recollections aNd The Paper Studio
'Once Upon a Springtime' faiRy Collection by Graphic 45
Organza Sheer Ribbon, Swarovski Cyrstals, Making Memories Brads, Iridescent PeArls
spRiNkled with faiRy dust aNd RaNgeR DiaMoNd Stickles

faiRy Collection
 deSigN #159 'BeAuty' aNd deSigN #160 'tHe faiRies'
8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe 'ooak' aRt WoRk

*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available 
with secure purchase through paypal aNd facebook 
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% Customer Feedback oN eBay
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be

Saturday, November 16, 2013



'ooak' Seasonal HaNdMade Greeting CaRd
~by Poeticgarden

adorn with layered ribbon
deSigNeR floRal paper
seasonal berry butter cReAm cotton fabric
viNtage Silk Pink Rose, Postage StaMp with Chocolate Sparkle leAves
Jeweled Elf Green Pearl Pin, an adorable 'Believe' cHaRm
cReAm berries, caRd dipped iN faiRy dust, coMplete with sigNatuRe due drops 
blaNk iNside for peRsoNal use
BeAutiFuL Gift Giving aRt Piece aNd Greeting Card

*This aRt Piece aNd otHeR cReAtioNs available for puRcHase through facebook
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% Customer Service Feedback oN eBay
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Silhouette of LoVe

I had a bRief cHaNce aNd wiNdow of tiMe to meet a dear WoMaN recently
Such admiration iN her stReNgth as a MotHeR aNd TeAcher upon tHis eArth.  
Her sileNt fortitude oN leVels uN matched will alWays leAve a profound iMpriNt within my spiRit
Prior of eVeR kNoWiNg full extent of her weakening health, I was blessed iN gettiNg to kNoW 
her BeAutiFuL lil' faMily. 
iNspiRed by tHe gifts aNd taleNts of aNotHeR, I discovered at a local tHrift stoRe, a gorgeous silhouette of a WoMaN coVeRed iN altered aRt materials.  I was reMiNded of tHe days I was able to speNd iN tHe presence of tHis MotHeR, exchanging of a simple sMile, sHaRiNg nourishment of greeting woRds or tHe woNdeRfuL joy her young stRoNg heArted spiRited boys haVe brought iNto tHis woRld.  I couldN't help but express my gratitude of wHat sHe left beHiNd for me...


You will fiNd her iN tHe Silhouette of woRds aNd pages still uNwRitteN,
a tiMeless hourglass of meMoRies, a gRaceFuL sileNt touch
a thought prevoked by aRt or within the sight and souNds of MotHeR NatuRe
You will fiNd her iN tHe sileNce aNd rhythm of peAce aNd iN tHe stReNgth of fortitude
Her HeArt caRries wHat matters tHe most
Her dReAms aRe wHat keeps her spiRit aliVe iN all tHiNgs
You will fiNd her within tHe silhouette of {LoVe}
~iN passiNg MeMoRy of a BeAutiFuL MotHeR, Wife, Daughter aNd Sister
your 'NatuRe' will be adMiRed eVeRy day
deSigN #158
'Silhouette of LoVe' 
8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe 'ooak' aRt WoRk 
Pay FoRwArd Gift

copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be

Monday, November 11, 2013

HoNoR tHe DiViNe

oN tHis day, Veteran's Day I hoNor tHe diViNe iN my foRefatHeRs, my liNeAge, tRibe, MotHeR EaRth, for all tHose wHo haVe passed away aNd or suRviVed for sacrifice, tRutH, fReedoM, Justice, Equality, Liberty aNd Individual HuMaN/Civil aNd Disability Rights ~NaMaste aNd Blessed Be, you will be iN my HeArt aNd pRayeRs Eternally iN {LoVe}

Friday, November 8, 2013

HoMe for tHe Holidays


HoMe for tHe Holidays...

Life just ask's of our tiMe, a path to place our feet upon, to tRaVeL aNd to discover a HoMe tHat is deep within our HeArts aNd dReAms.  A tiMeless HoMe built fRoM a 'mustard seed' filled with eteRnal Seasons and Holidays of {LoVe}

8x8 Shadow Box Photo fRaMe 'ooak' aRt WoRk

'HoMe for tHe Holidays'
deSigN #157

Cosmo Cricket- Wonderland Paper Line
Prima Marketing 'Prairie Flowers'
K&Company- Flowers
Making Memories {LoVe} clip
7 Gypsies- Collections from the Journey- Post Card
The Paper Studio- Spare Parts Paper Flowers

*oNe of a KiNd Scrapbook aRt WoRk available for purchase
with secure puRcHase through Paypal aNd Facebook, please msg.
{Katie Poeticgarden} aNd {}
100% Customer Feedback oN eBay~ fuRtHeR details of this aRt Piece is oN facebook
~ ~ ~ 
copyrights of aNd associated aRcHiVes
dedicated to my HeAveNly FatHeR, my cHildReN aNd my faiRies
~Blessed Be

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TiMe of gRatitude

As 'tHaNks giViNg' approaches, I aM reMiNded iN a wHole new way aNd ligHt of tHe WoRd 


Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. 

to all tHe BeAutiFuL woMeN tHat speNt tiMe with me iN jail, tHat helped me keep my cHiN up aNd giVe me stReNgtH to not giVe up oN my dReAms.  For BelieViNg iN my figHt to defeNd, pReseRve aNd pRotect tHe CoNstitutioN iN HuMaN/CiVil aNd Disability Rights.

for sHaRiNg all your fRuits aNd vegies wHeN I was huNgRy, maNy days aNd nigHts of laughter, teArs, stoRies, expeRieNces aNd for helpiNg me discover moRe of my iNneR pHoeNix

Gratitude for tHe pReseNt moMeNt aNd tHe fullness of life now is tRue pRospeRity
~Eckhart Tolle iN tHe PoWer of Now

aNd for tHat Ladies, MotHeRs, giRls, woMaN aNd daugHteRs
'tHaNk YOU' for helping me fight tHe good fight with LoVe aNd foRtitude
fRoM my soulful gaRdeN to yours
PeAce aNd NaMaste aNd much Gratitude

Sunday, October 27, 2013

GaRdeN of Life

BelieVeRs, DreAmeRs aNd aRtists aRe gReAt seeds to aNy GaRdeN of Life

Saturday, October 12, 2013

aRt iN Review

I will alWays cHeRisH aNd LoVe foReVeRmoRe

deSigN #150 'cHeRisHed' 

 As I gRoW aNd discoVeR new tHiNgs oN my jourNey. I'm reAliziNg tHat I AM developiNg a seNse to be eVeN closer to my Savior.  FiNdiNg PeAce aNd coMfoRt iN wHat I AM leaRniNg aNd how it can be applied toWaRds my peRsoNal Life's JourNey.
HaViNg a seNse of wHat I will cReAte fRoM oNe aRt Piece to tHe next, i'M dRaWn to makiNg pieces tHat bRiNg to full ciRcle wHat I AM feeliNg coMpelled to do aNd to express tHrougH my aRt of how BeAutiFuL self discoVeRy can be.
I kNeW I waNted to sHaRe my gRatitude aNd tHaNks to wHat my LoRd aNd SaVioR has giVen to me.  In tHe pRocess reAliziNg tHat I AM beiNg taught lessoNs at tHe saMe tiMe.
As I began to put the color pallet together, I had no idea wHat was to be expressed or wRitteN.  I kNeW I waNted to use tHe 'CheRish' eMbellisHmeNt syMboliziNg all tHe tHiNgs tHat bRiNg me PeAce.  My ChildReN, my faiRies... aka aNgels, MotHeR NatuRe, tHose wHo watch oVeR me aNd tHe new relationship I AM developiNg with LoRd aNd SaVior, my LoVe, my all my eVeRytHiNg...  eVeRmoRe

I stuMbled upon a scriptuRe receNtly - RoMaNs 15:4
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have {hope}  KJV

wHeN I reAd tHis scRiptuRe, tHe woRd eNduRaNce stood out aNd reAlized tHat as with gRoWtH coMes cHaNge aNd it may not be easy.  But if I eNduRe aNd stick to my belief of wHat bRiNgs me PeAce aNd coMfoRt oN my jourNey, tHeN not oNly will I be loViNg myself siNceRely but haVe {hope} tHat oNe day wHat I cReAte will bRiNg PeAce oN EaRth


GiViNg of our taleNts meAns tHat WE caRe not of success or weAltH but ratHeR giVe tHaNks to tHose wHo iNspiRe us to achieVe.

8x8 'ooak' Scrapbook aRt WoRk- Sold oRigiNal aNd aRcHiVed
Dedicated to my Children, my faiRies, MotHeR NatuRe aNd my LoVe
'2010 copyrights of

Friday, October 4, 2013

Mental Side of Nutrition

It's important to respect and love the mental side of our body system and brain first because it's what literally runs our organs including that of the brain.  Even certain healthy foods can inflame the body both mentally and physically...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Pausing on my Art blog entries to bring to the surface words that need to be written and exposed in order to create change for the better…

Click and Read complete blog entry at:

{google image}

Saturday, July 27, 2013

'dReAm Act'

'The Dream Act'

Abraham Lincoln 
CoNstitutioNaL Amendments 
...for LoVe to LiVe eternally

8x8 Shadow Box aRt Piece Title: 
Goddess of Vegetation 

dedicated alWays aNd foReVer to my HeaVeNly FatHer
aRtist oRigiNal by 

WE THE PEOPLE aRe tHe rightful Masters of both coNgRess aNd tHe courts, not overthrow tHe CoNstitutioN but overthrow tHe men who pReVeRt tHe CoNstitutioN...
tHis CouNtRy, with its iNstitutioNs, beloNgs to tHe PEOPLE wHo iNhabit it. WheNeVer tHey sHall gRoW weAry of tHe existiNg goVeRnMeNt, tHey can excercise tHeir coNstitutioNal right of  aMeNdiNg it or exercise tHeiR revolutionary right to overthrow it
~Abraham Lincoln 

Friday, July 19, 2013


“LiVe with iNteNtioN. Walk to tHe edge. Listen haRd. Practice wellNess. Play with abaNdoN. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your fRieNds. CoNtiNue to leaRn. Do what you loVe. LiVe as if this is all tHeRe is.” ~ Mary Anne Radmacher
{quote posted oN facebook by facebook fRieNd ~ Google iMage}

Monday, July 15, 2013


...aNd back iN tHe aRt Studio cReAtiNg wHat I loVe... Scrapbooking!

a NEW collection of aWaRd WiNniNg 8x8 Photo Frames along with
PaperBag Scrapbooks will be feAtuRed here oN my cRaft aNd poetry blog 
available to purchase tHis seAson aNd invite you to check back for new updates 

tHaNk YOU to all who haVe BelieVed iN my cReAtioNs aNd helping me aloNg life's jourNey

~Blessed Be

{Google iMage aNd NEW aRt Studio faVoRite SoNg: Imagine Dragons~ Radioactive}