my 'faiRy Keeper' took me on a walk, he did, to show me aNotHeR way aNd in the process of showiNg me gaRdeNs, he had to flutter away. It made me sad to see him go aNd had so much to say. If I could take oNe day with him aNd give it all away. Hoping that he would heRe my prayers aNd coMe back to me oNe day
my 'faiRy Keeper' took me on a walk, she did, to show me aNotHeR way aNd in the process of showiNg me gaRdeNs, she had to flutter away. It made me sad to see her go aNd had so much to say. If I could take oNe day with her aNd give it all away. Hoping that she will heRe my prayers aNd coMe back to me oNe day
my 'faiRy Keeper' walked with me aNd placed my haNd in his, to hold him tight aNd feel his love aNd know that he tRuly LiVes
my 'faiRy Keeper' walked with me aNd placed my haNd in hers, to hold me tight aNd feel her love aNd know that HE was hers
a boNd that oNce was bRoKeN NEVER gave away the stReNgth it took to hold your haNd aNd retuRn to him soMeday ~by