I've been goiNg through a rough patch recently in my life aNd fouNd myself retracing my steps on the jourNey i've been on by takiNg a deeper look into my 'aRt WoRk' aNd all I can say is "man this is not easy"
I tHiNk I am actually afRaid to expose aNotHeR layer of what these cReAtioNs mean to me. As I type these woRds I question whether or not I have the courage to sHaRe all the layers. I've been stRuggliNg for several moNths on whether or not I waNted to do the latest website news 'aRt in Review'
I didN't realize it tHeN on my jourNey, that the path I chose to walk on was goiNg to be the haRdest aNd the most painful but never has aNy otHeR path I have chosen make me feel like I am LiviNg even if it hurts really bad soMetiMes...
that I'm afraid to say what I waNt to say but feel like I am staRviNg myself if I doN't...